#38: Masmorra / The Blood of an Englishman

Hello again! Let’s go dungeoning! Today we’re taking a look at the new dungeon diving, treasure collecting, monster bashing game Masmorra: Dungeons of Arcadia from CMON Limited. We’ve also got a preview of a hot new game - SUPER HOT, even - as we take a look at SUPERHOT the Card Game in advance of its Kickstarter, launching this Tuesday (01/31). And just like in the video game, the cards move only when you move! For our on-tap game today we’ve chosen the recent Renegade games release Blood of an Englishman. Complete with the golden goose! To wrap up this episode, Danielle has put together a primer for the Porter style of beer. So sit back, relax, grab a pint and enjoy the show!

PAX Unplugged

Recent Plays:

2017, Board & Dice
Designer: Manuel Correia
Kickstarter (Coming 1/31)

2013, Takamagarhara; 2016, Quick SImple Fun
Designer: Kota Nakayama

Six Pack Review:

Masmorra: Dungeons of Arcadia
2017, CMON Limited/Spaghetti Western
Designer:  Daniel Alves, Patrick Matheus, Eurico Cunha Neto 

On Tap Beer Pairings:

The Blood of an Englishman
2016, Renegade Game Studios
Designer:Dan Cassar

Beer Primer: Porter

Section Timestamps:

01:00 Show Housekeeping
02:32 News: Conventions / PAX Unplugged
06:53 Kickstarter Preview: SUPERHOT Card Game
16:42 Recent Plays: Hanamikoji
23:54 Six Pack Review: Masmorra, Dungeons of Arcadia
24:27 Masmorra: Rules Walkthrough
29:46 Masmorra: Discussion
56:14 Masmorra: Final Thoughts
58:15 On Tap: Blood of an Englishman
68:17 The Beer Primer: Porters
79:05 Outro

Draft Mechanic

More About Draft Mechanic

A podcast about board games, card games, and anything Jake & Danielle can do to tie the two together.