#37: Santorini / Evolution: Climate

Draft Mechanic Episode #37: A Six-pack review of Santorini, Evolution: Climate on Tap, Unlock!, Fuse, Favor of the Pharaoh, Ascending Empires, & a magic beer portal?


First Martians
Crash Games - Backyard Builders Treehouse/Fish Frenzy
The Dice Tower

Recent Plays:

2017, Space Cowboys.
Designers:  Alice Carroll, Thomas Cauët, Cyril Demaegd
Print & Play Demo

2015, Renegade Game Studios.
Designers:  Kane Klenko
Favor of the Pharaoh
2015, Bezier Games.
Designers:  Tom Lehmann

Ascending Empires
2011, Z-man Games.
Designers:  Ian Cooper

Six-Pack Review:

2017, Roxley Games.
Designers:  Dr. Gordon Hamilton

On Tap:

Evolution: Climate
2016, North Star Games.
Designers:   Dominic Crapuchettes, Dmitry Knorre, Sergey Machin

  • Evolution Craft BrewingMigration Series: Fall Migration” Salisbury, MD, USA
    7.2% ABV.
    Belgian style ale aged in oak Chardonnay barrels then fermented a second time with brettanomyces
  • Roughtail Brewing Co. Adaptation Ale” Midwest City, OK , USA
    5.9-8% ABV, 50-100 IBU.
    Quarterly rotating small-batch IPA.
  • Cerebral Brewing. “Rare Trait” Denver, CO, USA
    6.5% ABV, 65 IBU.
    IPA brewed to feature strong notes of tangerine, mango, and peach candy.
  • Off Color Brewing. “Apex Predator” Chicago, IL, USA
    6.5% ABV, 35 IBU.
    Cold pitched parmhouse ale fermented without temperature control.
  • Sixpoint Brewery. Global Warmer” Brooklyn, NY , USA
    7% ABV, 70 IBU.
    Unfiltered hop-heavy imperial red ale.

Want to throw your 2¢ in about where there should be magic beer portals? Check out the thread on our Board Game Geek guild!

Section Timestamps:

01:00 Show Housekeeping
02:58 Upcoming: First Martians
08:54 Kickstarter: Save Crash Games!
11:16 IndieGoGo: The Dice Tower, Season 13
12:07 First Impressions: Unlock! (Demo kit)
20:00 Recent Plays: Fuse
26:32 Recent Plays: Favor of the Pharaoh
31:20 Recent Plays: Ascending Empires
37:09 Six Pack Review: Santorini
38:01 Santorini: Rules Walkthrough
40:01 Santorini: Discussion
55:59 Santorini: Final Thoughts
58:25 On Tap: Evolution Climate
68:32 The Magic Beer Portal
75:20 Outro

Draft Mechanic

More About Draft Mechanic

A podcast about board games, card games, and anything Jake & Danielle can do to tie the two together.