superhot card game

#38: Masmorra / The Blood of an Englishman

Hello again! Let’s go dungeoning! Today we’re taking a look at the new dungeon diving, treasure collecting, monster bashing game Masmorra: Dungeons of Arcadia from CMON Limited. We’ve also got a preview of a hot new game - SUPER HOT, even - as we take a look at SUPERHOT the Card Game in advance of its Kickstarter, launching this Tuesday (01/31). And just like in the video game, the cards move only when you move! For our on-tap game today we’ve chosen the recent Renegade games release Blood of an Englishman. Complete with the golden goose! To wrap up this episode, Danielle has put together a primer for the Porter style of beer. So sit back, relax, grab a pint and enjoy the show!

PAX Unplugged

Recent Plays:

2017, Board & Dice
Designer: Manuel Correia
Kickstarter (Coming 1/31)

2013, Takamagarhara; 2016, Quick SImple Fun
Designer: Kota Nakayama

Six Pack Review:

Masmorra: Dungeons of Arcadia
2017, CMON Limited/Spaghetti Western
Designer:  Daniel Alves, Patrick Matheus, Eurico Cunha Neto 

On Tap Beer Pairings:

The Blood of an Englishman
2016, Renegade Game Studios
Designer:Dan Cassar

Beer Primer: Porter

Section Timestamps:

01:00 Show Housekeeping
02:32 News: Conventions / PAX Unplugged
06:53 Kickstarter Preview: SUPERHOT Card Game
16:42 Recent Plays: Hanamikoji
23:54 Six Pack Review: Masmorra, Dungeons of Arcadia
24:27 Masmorra: Rules Walkthrough
29:46 Masmorra: Discussion
56:14 Masmorra: Final Thoughts
58:15 On Tap: Blood of an Englishman
68:17 The Beer Primer: Porters
79:05 Outro

#36: 2016, a Year in Review

We made it! Welcome to the new year, 2017! As is the tradition, for our first episode of the year we’re going to look back at the year that was with our superlative categories, favorite beers, and favorite games of 2016. Nope, that’s it - no more fluff in the intro paragraph. We’re really excited to do this one! Let’s get to the festivities!!!!

Upcoming: SuperHot Card Game [BGG] [Website]

2016 Superlatives:

Best Artwork:
Scythe (Stonemaier Games)
Paradox (Split Second Games)
Islebound (Red Raven Games)
The Blood of an Englishman (Renegade Game Studios)

Best Non-mini Components:
Santorini (Roxley Games)
Junk Art (Pretzel Games)

Biggest Disappointment:
Danielle: SeaFall (IronWall Games/Plaid Hat Games)
Jake: Knit Wit (Z-Man Games)

Game I Wish I'd Played from 2016:
Danielle: Roll Player (Thunderworks Games)
Jake: Millennium Blades (Level 99 Games)

Game I Wish I'd Played More from 2016:
Danielle: Star Trek Ascendancy (Gale Force Nine)
Jake: Star Trek Frontiers (WizKids)

Best Older Game I Played for the First Time in 2016:
Danielle: Dungeons & Dragons (Wizards of the Coast)
Jake: Lost Cities (Kosmos)

Best Party Game:
Insider (Oink Games)
Brick Party (Renegade Games)
Fuji Flush (Stronghold Games)

Best Card Game:
51st State: Master Set (Portal Games)
Fabled Fruit (Stronghold Games)

Most Innovative Game:
Vast: The Crystal Caverns (Leder Games)
World of Yo-Ho (IELLO)
Captain Sonar (Matagot)

Best Dexterity Game:
Ice Cool (Brain Games)
Junk Art (Pretzel Games)
Brick Party (Renegade Games)


Favorite Beers of 2016 Six-Packs:




Favorite Games of 2016 Six-Packs:

Jake's Picks:

Roxley Games
Designer: Dr. Gordon Hamilton

Star Trek Ascendancy
Gale Force Nine
Designer: Aaron Dill, Sean Sweigart, John Kovaleski

Junk Art
Pretzel Games
Designer: Jay Cormier, Sen-Foong Lim

Danielle's Picks:

A Feast for Odin
Z-Man Games
Designer: Uwe Rosenberg

Oink Games
Designer: Jun Sasaki

The Networks
Formal Ferret Games
Designer: Gil Hova

We Both Picked:

Split Second Games
Designer: Brian Suhre

Terraforming Mars
Stronghold Games/Fryxgames
Designer: Jacob Fryxelius

Stonemaier Games
Designer: Jamey Stegmaier

Section Timestamps:

01:00 Show Housekeeping
02:28 Advance warning: SuperHot Card Game
05:10 2016 in review for Draft Mechanic
09:33 The 2016 Superlative Categories
10:09 Top News Stories
15:40 Best Artwork
18:51 Best Components
23:34 Biggest Disappointment
27:15 2016 Game I Wish I’d Played
29:12 Game I Wish I’d Played More in 2016
31:04 Best “New to Me in 2016” Older Game
33:36 Best Party Game
39:25 Best Card Game
41:58 Most Innovative
46:28 Best Dexterity Game
48:36 2016 Six-pack: Our Favorite Beer of 2016
68:00 2016 Six-pack: Our Favorite Games of 2016
101:35 Outro